Determination of sodium benzoate content by potentiometric titration 高氯酸法测定纺织品中淀粉含量
Study the preservative effect of sodium benzoate on the cut flowers 不同保鲜剂对非洲菊切花保鲜效果的研究
Benzoic acid and sodium benzoate 苯甲酸及其钠盐
Caffeine sodium benzoate 苯甲酸钠咖啡因
Sodium benzoate bp 苯甲酸钠
Sodium benzoate has the ability to switch off vital parts of a person ' s dna , according to research from a british university 依据一所英国大学的研究发现:苯甲酸钠具有使一个人dna中关键部分停止工作的能力。
The preservatives used are citric acid to reduce the ph level , potassium sorbate to stop mould and sodium benzoate as an antimicrobial agent 以柠檬酸(降ph值) 、山梨酸钾(防霉变)和苯甲酸钠(抗菌剂)作为防腐剂。
Sodium benzoate , which derives from benzoic acid , has been used for years by the carbonated drinks industry to prevent mold from developing in soft drinks 苯甲酸钠从苯甲酸提取出来,为了防止霉菌在软饮料中繁殖,已被应用于碳酸饮料工业多年。
The preservatives used are citric acid to reduce the ph level , potassium sorbate to stop mould and sodium benzoate as an antimicrobial agent 使用的防腐剂是柠檬酸,目的是为了降低ph值和山梨酸钾,以便防止霉变。另一种是苯甲酸钠,它是一种杀菌剂。
Established in 1991 , mainly produce human choroinic gonadotrophin ( hcg ) , human menopausal gonadotrophin ( hmg ) , urofollitropin ( fsh ) , heparin sodium , chondroitin sulfate , sodium benzoate , polyaluminchloride ( water clarified reagent ) etc . , we are the largest and the only enterprise which produce urinary items from crude to the injectable 成立于1991年,主要生产绒促性素、尿促性素、卵胞激素、尿激酶、肝素钠、硫酸软骨素、苯甲酸钠、聚合氯化铝净水剂等,是中国最大的唯一的从尿液做到原料药的生产厂家。